Kise Thomas

Photography & Digital Art

About Kise Thomas

Picture of Thom My photography incorporates images from everyday life. Right now, what I have to dis[play is limited, and in coming months there will be more to see. My work will portray simple esthetic and some will be social statements. In addition to the beach scenes that I'm completing now, expect to see a series of cigarette butts, among others.

I am also a Digital Art Technician. I work with artists to transform their analog work into digital 3D and flat images. Providing this service allows the artist to focus on their vision and visualize the outcome, make adjustments and share in tangible forms with clients and stakeholders.


My first camera was a Kodak Brownie Super 27 that I got for Christmas when they first came out in 1961. I shot only black and white – that was the thing back then. I was experimental trying shots from various angles and being creative with my composition. I took my first selfie in 1962 – always before my time.

In High School, I took a photography class and got my first SLR; a Pentax screw mount I acquired super cheap from Hong Kong. The class, taught by Magnus Berglund, opened my eyes to the fabulous world of black & white photography. I learned the basic and a lot of special techniques. Mr. Berglund taught us Kodalith processing, and my work in High School focused heavily on the process. I’m looking for some examples, but that was 40 years ago, and I’m afraid they may all be lost.

Life got busy. I always kept an SLR around and took lots of pictures. I have some great travel photos (mostly slides, I’m working on getting digital copies), but most of my work ended up being somewhat sophisticated snapshots.

Then life started to slow down, and I became more diligent about capturing images with creative intent. The last couple of years I’ve been working on building skills and techniques. Now I’m ready to start showing.

I've also used this time to hone my Photoshop and Illustrator skills. I've been learning Blender and Adobe Dimension for creating 3D renderings.